Page 40 - Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide (TTG) - 2020-04 Edition -
P. 40

Industry News

                Taiwanese Manufacturers Gear up in

                         Autonomous Vehicle Industry

              By Huang Wei-shiou
                 In response to a shrinking auto market and negative   features and development of related technology has
              growth, over the last few years, traditional automakers   continued unfettered. Also, self-driving systems are
              such as G.M., Daimler, BMW, and Volkswagen have   increasingly adopting artificial and machine learning,
              started seeking a new way out. For instance, they   prompted by expectations to improve the safety of
              sought out to develop vehicle electrifi cation, and more   self-driving cars and confi dence in the systems.
              investment in the development of electric cars and
              self-driving cars. Among them, self-driving cars have   Leading Companies Team up for Constructing Self-
              been regarded as the saviors of automakers. In 2016   Driving Supply Chain
              to 2017, automobile manufacturers even pledged to
              launch a fully autonomous self-driving car in the next   Taiwan has been developing auto electronics for
              two to three years.                               decades with multifaceted and diverse manufacturing
                                                                experience. Automotive  electronic  components
                 Unmanned self-driving cars have become a       maintain excellent quality and stability, advanced
              heated topic in the two major fields of technology   research and development capabilities, including
              and cars. Manufacturers in these two industries are   ADAS systems, sensing chips, are important
              actively drawing up strategies, in hopes of tapping   foundations for key components of self-driving cars.
              into the huge business potential. The Renault and   In addition, Taiwan’s ICT industry has accumulated
              Nissan Alliance believe that cars will enter the “CASE”   comprehensive hardware and software advantages,
              generation, listing self-driving and electric cars as   including the core capabilities of the electronics
              a medium-term operation plan. The four letters in   manufacturing industry, clustering of industrial
              CASE stand for connected, autonomous, sharing,    supply chains, and enriched sources. It should help
              and electric, meaning the Internet of Things, and the   accelerate the application of technology in the field
              Internet of Things is integrated with ADAS, which   of self-driving cars, and fill in the self-driving vehicle
              will achieve the goals of self-driving cars. Also,   industry and technology gap.
              autonomous driving has become the next targeted
              market for the semiconductor industry and auto plants.   Recently, the Taiwanese government also carried
              Over these years, the discussion of the Society of   out a smart transportation plan to invest over NT$6
              Automotive Engineers’s defi nition for each safety level   billion in the nation’s fi rst closed testing ground for self-
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