Page 36 - Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide (TTG) - 2020-04 Edition -
P. 36
Exhibition Highlights
Tomorrow’s Service & Mobility and Customizing sectors are popular among buyers (Photo courtesy of
Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd)
MIMS Automechanika Moscow exports. In 2018, the export values reached the
US$ 2.1 billion, a decrease of 12.3% compared to
MIMS Automechanika Moscow is Russia's the same period in 2017. At present, there are 324
leading international trade fair for the automotive cars per 1,000 people in Russia, and there is still
service industry with exhibitors coming from 1,430 room for car demand to increase. This fast vehicle
companies and 36 countries. It is also considered ownership expansion implies the growing demand
one of the most potential markets worldwide. in the after-sales service market.
Notably, companies from Malaysia, Thailand, and
India presented their national pavilions for the Automechanika Shanghai
first time last year. Exhibitors from Germany, Italy,
France, Korea, China, Turkey, Poland, Taiwan, and After 28 years of continued growth, China's new
Singapore showcased new products and modern car market experienced negative growth for the first
trends in the automotive market at joint stands in time in 2018, with sales of 28.08 million vehicles for
national pavilions. Worth mentioning, more than the entire year, a 2.8% decline compared with the
380 companies presented automotive parts and same period in 2017. Overlooking 2019, the sales
solutions for freight vehicles within the framework of in the car market fell behind compared to the same
the “Truck Competence” project. period in 2019, indicating a pessimistic market.
However, last December, Automechanika Shanghai
Russia boasts a population of 145 million in a had a grand opening at the National Exhibition
large territory. Due to the rapid rise of the middle and Convention Center (Shanghai) as the most
class, Russia was considered one of the most influential platform in automobiles and services.
promising markets with double-digit growth rates The show mainly focused on the ecosystem of
in car sales. The new car sales once hit 3,040,000 automobiles, gathering global professionals at the
units in 2013. Besides sales of new cars, the used 360,000 square meters venue to explore future
car market is currently at 5 million units annually, possibilities.
representing great business opportunities in the
automotive repair and maintenance services This year, the organizer has expanded multiple
market. The size of the Russian auto parts market themed display areas on the foundation of former
reached US$ 21.2 billion in 2018. Russia is the exhibition, including a full upgrade in the Tomorrow’s
16th largest destination for Taiwan’s auto parts Service & Mobility sector in North Hall, which has