Page 35 - Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide (TTG) - 2020-04 Edition -
P. 35

Exhibition Highlights

                 Last  year,  the  tire  sector  has  been  set  up   and autonomous driving trends. Currently, they
              separately as a newly developing field aimed      are actively upgrading and transforming, gradually
              to integrate with manufacturers, and repair       entering the market of price differentiation.
              businesses, bringing together the entire ecosystem.
              Besides light vehicles (passenger vehicles and       ICT enterprises involved in the auto electronics
              LCVs),  the  maintenance  and  repair  of  heavy-  market includes TSMC, Foxconn, ASUS, Quanta,
              duty and heavy-goods vehicles were also in the    and others. By leveraging the world-class capability
              spotlight in 2019. The exhibition will make a point   in ICT, semiconductor, electronics, and auto parts
              of promoting solutions offered by suppliers in the   fields, Taiwan has well-integrated all its cross-
              upcoming edition.                                 industries expertise and experience, moving from
                                                                aftermarket production to the assembly market.
                 France, a pioneer in the automotive industry, is   The automotive component trend is moving forward
              home to two major automaking companies, PSA       to smart, clean and electric solutions, attracting
              Group and Renault Group, both renowned for        Taiwanese electronics and materials manufacturers
              manufacturing lightweight commercial vehicles and   to  step  in  the  supply  chain  of  automotive
              passenger vehicles. In recent years, sales in the   components, with expectations to expand new
              French automotive aftermarket have increased, with   business opportunities.
              the main categories engines, vehicle interiors, body
              parts, tire chassis components, and measurement,     Hundreds of Taiwanese exhibitors gathered
              diagnostic and maintenance equipment seeing the   in the latest edition of AAPEX, including Jesselai
              most growth. These parts are sold to OEMs and the   showcasing  various  coolers,  brake  master
              aftermarket, including OES and IAM.               cylinders, and auxiliary radiators; LC Fuel Tank’s
                                                                professional fuel supply systems and fuel tanks,
              AAPEX                                             and Matelplus providing steering and suspension
                                                                system parts. Other premier suppliers such as
                 AAPEX (Automotive Aftermarket Products         Eagle Eyes, manufacturing quality auto lamps;
              Expo) is the largest trade fair for the aftermarket in   while Tair Wang provides the parts for the Harley-
              North America, as well as the world's second most   Davidson motorcycles, accessories for the vintage
              influential only next to the biennial Automechanika   cars of BMW. Taiwanese suppliers are well-known
              Frankfurt in Germany. AAPEX brings new-to-market   for its HMLV (high- mix, low volume) and high
              products, the latest services, and technology.    production flexibility, and the ability to compete with
              According to the show organizer, the event sees a   top tier manufacturers on the same stage, backed
              total of 71,350 visitors, mainly automotive service   by a complete supply chain from downstream to
              professionals, auto parts retailers, warehouses   upstream.
              vendors, car dealers, and engine manufacturers.

                 Apart from traditional display areas, the recent
              addition of AAPEX Technology of Tomorrow is
              the place to view products that are still in the
              prototype phase and set to hit the market in the
              next three-to-five years. Emerging technology
              displays include the Smart Solar Powered Backup
              Camera by FenSens and smart sensors that
              connect with vehicles by Sensata. This section also
              will feature demo implementations of the Secure
              Vehicle Interface (SVI), insight on the work that
              the Auto Care Association is conducting for the
              standardization of ADAS calibration and equitable
              access to Embedded Device Software (EDS) on
              behalf of the aftermarket.
                                                               Many buyers are impressed by Taiwanese firms and product
                 Although  Taiwan's auto component             quality (Photo courtesy of CENS).
              manufacturers  are  mainly  small  and  medium-
              sized enterprises, they are optimistic about the
              future business opportunity in automotive safety
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