Page 45 - Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide (TTG) - 2020-04 Edition -
P. 45
Supplier News
plant and equipment to satisfy the strong demand, LC Fuel Tank is an active player in the antique
with an estimated investment of NT$250 million cars and modified cars market. Generally, the
for constructing a new plant situated in the Xiluo definition of antique cars refers to those vehicles
Futian Industrial Zone. The new production line and that were manufactured before 1980 or those
warehouse is slated to cover 13,200 square meters. preserved in high value with rarity.
Setting up three production lines and introducing It is expected that the automotive industry hark
semi-automated robotic arms can triple the current back to nostalgic, retro times, a trend prevalent
production capacity, speed up the delivery time to around the world, as collecting antique cars is
fulfill the purchasing demands from clients, thus a symbol of taste. As to maintain the normal
resolve the problem of insufficient capacity. functionality of antique cars, considered the most
basic requirement, the fuel supply system is also a
Chan said that in response to the global market critical part as well. LC Fuel Tank ‘s high-quality and
competition and changes, the automotive parts diverse mold supply can meet the needs of most
industry saw the gradual rise of the electric vehicle antique car owners.
industry. Although, LC Fuel Tank has a good pulse
on the aftermarket trends, it realizes the need to
differentiate and diversify products. Running a
company must be vigilant in times of peace in order
to pave the way for its next thirty years, Chan says.
LC has adopted powder coating which is more eco-friendly. (Photo courtesy of LC Fuel Tank)