Page 35 - Taiwan Machinery 2023-08 Edition
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                                                                                EXHIBITION HIGHLIGHTS

           CIMT 2023                                           has organized a regional pavilion to showcase its latest
              After TIMTOS, the spotlight turned to CIMT, the first   research and development results, striving to seize this
           among the four prestigious World International Machine   significant business opportunity worth hundreds of billions
           Tool Exhibitions. This highly anticipated exhibition brings   of RMB.
           together over 1,600 manufacturers from 28 countries and
           regions, converging at the China International Exhibition
           Center (Shunyi Hall) in Beijing.

              With the extensive market size and strong consumer
           demand, China holds the largest market share in the
           global machine tools industry. Additionally, the Chinese
           government has strategically implemented investment
           programs and policies to ensure the successful execution
           of government projects. As a result, despite the challenges
           posed by the pandemic, the overall production value of
           machine tools continues to rise steadily.
                                                               At Metaltech 2023, several buyers pose with a member of
              This year, CIMT adopts the theme of “Collaborative   the CENS publication team, each holding a copy of “Taiwan
           Innovation on Digital & Intelligent Manufacturing is
           Embracing the Future,” not only showcasing cutting-edge   Metaltech 2023
           technologies and products in the machine tool industry but   Wrapped  up  on  May  31,  Metaltech  is  the  largest
           also demonstrating the practical applications of industrial   manufacturing exhibition in Malaysia that featured over
           software and advancements in environmental technologies.  1,500 local and international companies from various
                                                               industry sectors with specialized profiles on machine
                                                               tools and sheet metal technology, mold and die, precision
                                                               engineering, surface and heat treatment, material handling
                                                               and storage, welding, robotics, and metallurgy.

                                                                  As an indicative manufacturing exhibition, Metaltech
                                                               has continued to place emphasis on promoting knowledge
                                                               sharing and facilitating exciting new product launches
                                                               during the event. To this end, attendees can expect to gain
                                                               eye-opening insights from a full slate of industry seminars
                                                               delivered by industry leaders, while also getting first-hand
                                                               glimpses at the latest innovative technologies from a series
           The professional publication team from Economic Daily
           News/CENS exhibits at CIMT 2023.                    of live demonstrations held throughout the event.
           ChinaPlas 2023                                      A New Chapter in History
              Held at Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention      On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization
           Center from April 17-20, ChinaPlas 2023 embraced the   announced the ending of the emergency it declared for
           theme of “A Brighter and Shared Future, Powered by   Covid-19 more than three years ago. This announcement
           Innovation.” This dynamic event showcased green, smart,   marks the revival of physical exhibitions, bringing much
           and advanced technologies under one roof to foster high-  excitement to both buyers and manufacturers who were
           quality development, and brought together an impressive   hindered during the pandemic and are eager to reconnect
           gathering of over 3,900 quality international exhibitors, who   with each other. With the resumption of physical exhibitions,
           presented a diverse range of innovative solutions in the   the future looks even more promising, providing a renewed
           field of plastics and rubber.                       opportunity for industry stakeholders to come together,
                                                               forge new connections, and foster innovation.
              Taiwan’s plastic industry has flourished for over 50
           years, establishing itself with technological prowess in   EMO Hannover 2023
           areas such as “smart manufacturing,” “energy efficiency   With a focus on innovative manufacturing, EMO
           and innovation,” “technological advancement,” and “cost-  Hannover has established itself as a crucial exhibition
           effectiveness.” At ChinaPlas 2023, under the leadership   showcasing  automation  products  and  cutting-edge
           of Larry Wei, Chairman of the Taiwan Association of   technologies. Beyond its role as an industry event, EMO
           Machinery Industry (TAMI), Taiwan’s plastic industry
                                                               Hannover also serves as a platform for Germany to

           Taiwan Machinery (September 2023)
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