Page 33 - Taiwan Machinery 2023-08 Edition
P. 33


                                                                                        INDUSTRY TRENDS

           abrading, grinding, etching, etc. This approach allows   With the right configuration, these mechanical arms can
           manufacturing operators to solve processing processes in   perform precise tasks continuously, day and night. This not
           one single operation, and minimize the need for frequent   only reduces the time and manpower traditionally required
           reinstallation and repositioning of workpieces. By keeping   for quality control but also enhances safety and overall
           the processing of workpieces in a continuous state and   product quality.
           enabling online measuring, this technique saves time in
           setting up and replacing cutting tools. It also helps avoid   Embracing Change
           cumulative inaccuracies resulting from repeated positioning   Before the pandemic, standardization and large-
           transformations. As a result, processing efficiency is   scale operations provided the industry with unparalleled
           improved, production cycles are shortened, and overall   convenience and significant opportunities for optimizing
           productivity is enhanced.                           operating expenses. However, since the outbreak,
                                                               the traditional long supply chains have undergone a
              Additionally, with the reduction in the number of required   transformation, because of the increasing geopolitical
           devices, fixtures, workshops, and maintenance expenses   conflicts and the escalation of confrontations among
           for processing, there will be a significant decrease in   international powers. They have given way to shorter
           investment related to manufacturing assets, operations,   chains or a combination of shorter and more flexible chains.
           and management. Furthermore, the integration of highly   In this new landscape, the industry’s focus has shifted to
           automated processes with customizable capabilities makes   “resiliency” as a key guiding principle.
           for the efficient production of high-mix, low-volume, or even
           variable items and quantities.                         Consequently, in order to establish a resilient
                                                               manufacturing ecosystem,  Taiwan’s  machine tool
           Automation: 24/7 Precision                          industry could leverage intellectualization, automation,
              Lastly, regarding the trend of “automation,” Yueh   and machinery composition technologies to address
           explains that in response to the shortage of human   the requirements of continuous operation, touchless
           resources and the uncertainty of demand fluctuations in the   deployment, and automated decision-making. Additionally,
           post-COVID era, industry practitioners are actively adopting   embracing decentralized manufacturing to adapt to
           automated production systems. This approach can not only   demands from regional markets is also recommended.
           helps to alleviate the reliance on manual labor but also   Last but not least, to align with global trends and achieve
           caters to production requirements such as customization   sustainable manufacturing practices, it is essential for
           and variable items and quantities.                  industry stakeholders, government entities, and academic
                                                               institutions to collaborate and contribute their expertise.
              As a result, the development of mechanical arms has
           become mainstream in the industry. Practitioners can pre-
           set the movements of these arms and utilize controllers to
           convert them into designated planar or three-dimensional
           movements as needed. The mechanical arms are also
           capable of making real-time adjustments and responses.

           Taiwan Machinery (September 2023)
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