Page 36 - Taiwan Machinery 2021-09 Edition
P. 36


              FEATURE TOPIC

                 Industries have also renewed the importance of   which cumulated in the accelerated digital transformation
              fortifying supply chains as global shortages worsened. The   and sustainable economic trends in the past two years.
              past focus on costs would gradually shift towards resiliency   For  instance,  ISTI’s  analysis  of  the  “lighthouses  of
              methods, such as diversifying manufacturing hubs by   manufacturing” initiative, a joint project by McKinsey
              building per region versus concentration in one country.   and the World Economic Forum, showed that as long as
              Factories investing in automated solutions have risen as   companies had a clear roadmap and suitable measures,
              well, where there is more importance placed on workplace   Industry 4.0 and digital transformation efforts more often
              safety, or as means to fulfill labor shortages.     than not, bring comparable results.

                 However, Hsiung noted three trends that are persistent   Another widely-discussed topic is the net-zero
              and growing before the COVID-19 pandemic hit last   emissions and carbon border tax scheme. On July 14,
              year, namely the changing population structure, ongoing   the European Commission adopted a proposal for a new
              advancements of technology, and the rise of environmental   Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Carbon prices will
              awareness.  With  climate  change  accelerating,  the   be placed on imports of a targeted selection of products
              government and consumers are becoming more aware    to ensure that carbon leakage does not occur and lead
              and selective of products that are green-focused and less   to carbon-extensive production being pushed to other
              damaging to the environment.                        countries.

              Global versus Domestic Changes                         Hsiung said along with the EU’s carbon border tax,
                                                                  many countries are rolling out their own net-zero schemes
                 We also discussed trends outside the pandemic talking   to fulfill before 2050. International corporations are facing
              point, namely advancements Hsiung and the ISTI have   real-time pressure to decrease greenhouse gas emissions,
              observed on a global and domestic scale.            prompting  the  development  and  implementation  of
                                                                  necessary smart technologies to increase the efficiency of
                 In terms of global trends, operational adjustments to   resources.
              the global and regional supply changes will move from
              globalization, China, to a more local scale. Companies   On the other hand, the U.S.-China trade war and also
              around the world are already moving towards not just   the pandemic had accelerated Taiwanese businesses from
              prioritizing costs, but also maintaining product consistency,   abroad to return to the island. Hsiung said the phenomenon
              production, and operational flexibility.            is primarily fueled by returning machinery factories, which
                                                                  were reported to be more willing to invest in improving
                 Technological advancement in the manufacturing   their overall production capacity with smart technology and
              industrial industry has become crucial for a company’s   automation due to Taiwan’s aging population, low birth rate,
              success, Hsiung said. Industry 4.0 has had a decade to   and low willingness to work in the industry.
              develop, regardless of successful or failed experiments,

                                                                                          Taiwan Machinery 2021 September
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