Page 35 - Taiwan Machinery 2021-09 Edition
P. 35


                                                                                           FEATURE TOPIC

           Global and local tr
           Global and local trends fueling ends fueling

           the mac
           the machinery sectorhinery sector

                  Interview with industry trend expert sheds light on future roadmaps in Taiwan

              he current global situation has made it incredibly   with traditional American allies, the European Union had
           Tchallenging for industries and businesses to maintain   adjusted its China policy from a proactive collaborative to
           a competitive edge when prices are soaring and delivery   a limited approach. The pursuit of a free market has led to
           times are unpredictable. In an interview with Industrial   outsourced production lines and supply chains, creating a
           Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Industry, Science and   just-in-time system vulnerable to disruptions like a global
           Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI) deputy   pandemic, prompting governments to consider industry
           head Harrison Hsiung, he touched on evolving trends   development policies in a national security scope.
           observed in pre-COVID times and in the present, including
           those found on the global and local scale. He also offered   Global economies are thus reexamining and building
           suggestions for Taiwanese companies to consider in these   trade relations, turning inward to rebuild domestic
           challenging times.                                  manufacturing capabilities. The global chip shortage, largely
                                                               caused by revamped demand and fi nite supplying capacity,
           Pre-Covid and Current Trends                        congested shipping ports, and container shortages were
                                                               clear examples of how reliant countries are on exports.
              In terms of ongoing trends that maintained its progress,   Products were not getting delivered to consumers and in
           even under a pandemic that has caused unprecedented   the upstream, workers were losing jobs as factories closed
           disruption, Hsiung named national policies, multinational   due to shortages of parts.
           trade systems, market demand, and supply chain
           operations as four areas that were accelerated after   On the consumer side, the pandemic has accelerated
           COVID-19 broke out.                                 demand for medical personal protection equipment, at-
                                                               home technology and products, transportation, remote
              The pandemic had ushered in a new sense of urgency   working, and learning solutions. E-commerce also grew,
           in terms of bilateral relations between countries. For   with businesses choosing to invest even more in online
           instance, relations were already difficult between China   marketing and e-commerce solutions, and grow their
           and the U.S. due to the trade war, however, the outbreak   outreach amid social distancing and restrictions.
           worsened the situation. Hsiung pointed out that even

           Taiwan Machinery 2021 September
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