Page 29 - TTG-Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide 2024-04 Edition
P. 29
Industry Trends Report
Taiwanese Auto Parts Suppliers wanese Auto Parts Suppliers
Paving the Way in the EV Revolutionng the Way in the EV Revolution
By Andrew Hsu
Unsung Stars Inside Automobiles Moreover, the combination of a variety of
production types in smaller quantities, along
Experiencing a substantial and consistently with cost-effective pricing, positions Taiwan's
growing export base each year, Taiwan's auto manufacturers as highly competitive on the
parts industry has earned certifi cation from various international stage. However, even with these
international authorities for its high quality, garnering strengths, what the world needs today is not solely
recognition from industry insiders. this.
Primarily composed of small or medium-sized Transformation of Industry
enterprises (SMEs), Taiwan's manufacturers
exhibit a comprehensive array of production According to Da-Jeng Yao, General Director
types. Upstream component manufacturers supply of the Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems
various automobile parts such as seats, pistons, Research Laboratories at the Industrial Technology
and gears... Midstream suppliers contribute Research Institute (ITRI), the trend towards net-
functional modules like dashboards, bumpers, and zero emissions and carbon neutrality is gaining
generators... Downstream manufacturers provide prominence. Related regulations, such as the
integrated systems such as engine systems, carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM),
steering system parts, ADAS, etc. In Taiwan, you are beginning to be implemented. CBAM involves
can fi nd almost all the auto parts you need. imposing a carbon tariff on carbon-intensive
products imported into the European Union. It will