Page 28 - TTG-Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide 2024-04 Edition
P. 28

       Industry News

              Currently, the system is operational in the ARTC   The Inspection Tour
              park and undergoing test runs in downtown areas.
                                                                   Furthermore,  to  better  showcase ARTC's
                 According to Dr. Hsu Tsung-Ming, who is mainly   technical prowess, the organization resumed its
              responsible for the project at ARTC, there are    annual "ARTC Inspection Tour" in 2023 after a
              three primary technical challenges that must be   three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
              addressed in developing this technology. Firstly,   The tour is designed to highlight the latest
              achieving precise vehicle positioning is crucial,   advancements in advanced driver assistance
              with self-driving vehicles requiring accuracy within   systems (ADAS).
              20 or 30 centimeters. However, obstacles such as
              viaducts can disrupt GPS signals. To overcome        During the Inspection Tour, ARTC utilizes
              this, Hsu indicates employing multiple positioning   an "Autonomous Driving Robot" to test its lane
              technologies simultaneously.                      departure warning (LDW) and lane keep assistance
                                                                (LKA) systems. For LDW, a speed of 72±1 km/
                 The second challenge involves navigating       h and a side velocity of 0.5 m/s were employed,
              through chaotic urban traffic, including issues   while for LKA, speeds of both 0.5 m/s and 0.8 m/
              like jaywalking and illegal parking, as well as the   s were utilized on its proving ground. The test
              potential presence of regular cars intermingling   provides perspectives from aerial, onboard, and car
              with the fleet of self-driving buses. Addressing this   window views, along with real-time data display on
              requires continuous algorithm refinement and real-  a computer. The results of the test were significant.
              world testing outside the controlled environment of
              the ARTC.                                            In  recent years,  ARTC has dedicated
                                                                considerable effort to cultivating partnerships with
                 Finally, ensuring stable inter-vehicle         various certification organizations and vehicle
              communication is essential. ARTC utilizes C-V2X   manufacturers. Its primary objective is to act as a
              technology specifically designed for this purpose,   catalyst for internationalization, aiding practitioners
              along with integrating 4G/5G internet connectivity   in  expediting  time-to-market  and  reducing
              to maintain a stable connection between the buses,   development costs, all in pursuit of advancing self-
              even in areas with poor communication quality.    driving technology.
              Additionally, the buses can automatically switch
              channels to mitigate communication disruptions.
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