Page 33 - Taiwan Machinery 2021-09 Edition
P. 33


                                                                                        INDUSTRY REPORT

           Uncertain future ahead in a tain future ahead in a

           number of
           number of business activities business activities

                     COVID-19-caused closures, supply chain issues as outbreak hit SE Asia

              aiwan’s local outbreak between May and July has   Machinery Industry (TAMI) and the Taiwan External Trade
           Teased up as successful measures essentially stamped   Development Council (TAITRA).
           out the local spread and amid rising inoculation rates.
           However, this is only to see the rest of the world buckle   TaipeiPLAS,  held  concurrently  with  the  Taipei
           against the Delta variant after global economies enjoyed   International Shoemaking Technology Show, was initially
           a brief respite over the spring and early summer. What’s   postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic concerns
           worryingly is how aside from East Asian nations, where   last September, however now with COVID-19 has been
           the world’s major semiconductor factories are located, are   localized in Taiwan and chances of returning to zero COVID
           grappling with the worst outbreaks since the pandemic   are slim, prompting organizers to move ahead with the
           began, the Southeast Asian region is also the world’s   cancellation. As TaipeiPLAS is traditionally held on even
           manufacturing hub for many industries, and according   years, TAMI has stated that the 2022 edition will continue
           to media reports, is reported to be reaching its “breaking   as scheduled around similar dates at the end of September
           point.                                              or early October.

              As a result, organizers of many in-person or hybrid   TAITRA stated Taiwan’s plastic and rubber machinery
           trade shows have elected to postpone or host online-  industries were heavily impacted by the COVID-19
           only events. For instance, the in-person trade show event   pandemic outbreak in 2020: with export value at USD$899
           for TaipeiPLAS 2021 in the plastics and rubber industry   million, marking an 11.1% decrease. The good news
           was canceled in early July, with only the online version   was that Taiwan remained in the top six export countries.
           slated to kick off on the original date of Sept. 28 — a   Shoemaking machinery also makes up at least 70% of
           decision convened by organizers Taiwan Association of   global market shares. In the past year, both sectors have
                                                               substantially increased their visibility in the global market.

           Taiwan Machinery 2021 September
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