Page 32 - Taiwan Machinery 2021-09 Edition
P. 32


              INDUSTRY REPORT

              an annual increase of 17.9%, while its first seven months’   was largely stabilized after meeting with China Steel
              revenue was at NTD$3.83 billion, an annual increase of   Corporation and related industry associations. Through
              31.6%. Another reputable supplier, Tongtai, reported July   China Steel’s attempts to prioritize supply to the domestic
              revenue at NTD$980 million, a yearly increase of 67.4%,   market and stabilizing markets, the local price hike situation
              and revenue for the first seven months reached NTD$5.72   has largely leveled out, though the same could not be said
              billion, an annual increase of 27.1%.               for steel prices overseas, Wei warned.

              Challenges Ahead                                       On the other hand, the Delta-variant-fueled surge of the
                                                                  latest COVID-19 outbreak has introduced new reservations
                 However, growth for the sector is affected by the   into this year’s economic growth. Moreover, the situation
              strengthening Taiwan dollar, Wei had warned. Since the   abroad has furthered impacts on exports, container
              beginning of 2021, the NT dollar has risen by 2.03 percent   shortages, and rising shipping prices, making it harder for
              against the US dollar, compared to the Chinese yuan’s 1.07   larger-sized machinery suppliers to do business.
              percent increase, a 6.11 percent decline in the value of the
              won, and the 5.87 percent fall in the value of the yen. Any   Wei had urged government intervention to help
              profits gained in this period would be severely impacted by   domestic supplier representatives obtain vaccines should
              exchange loss.                                      they travel overseas for business, ensure product delivery
                                                                  and maintenance.
                 In terms of raw material shortages, rising prices, and
              longer lead times, Wei pointed out that the government’s
              recent intervention into the rising steel prices situation

                                             Credit: Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry
                                             Graph: CENS

                                                                                          Taiwan Machinery 2021 September
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