Page 50 - Taiwan Hand Tools-2020-01
P. 50
production in particular. This focus has assisted the hand Huang Hsin-te, who just took over as the 15th THTMA
tool industry in implanting smart production alternatives, chairman, promised to uphold responsibility to his position.
giving the industry a well-needed makeover. Also, due In the next three years, he has promised to put every
to the U.S.-China trade war prompting a return of many effort in turning Taiwan into the origin of innovative hand
Taiwanese firms this year, the government has offered tool solutions, leading the industry to maximize its value,
incentives for land and funding, encouraging a permanent expanding the vision of bridging global prospects from
relocation to Taiwan. Taiwan, and prompting global attention on this island.
President Tsai Ing-wen (front row from left 5) attended the General Assembly of THTMA (Photo photographed by Wu Ching-
The 15th board of directors of THTMA (Photo photographed by Ralph Yang)
Taiwan Hand tools 2020 Issue