Page 54 - Taiwan Hand Tools 2025-02 Edition
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Taiwan Hand Tool Brands
WoodFox Brings Professional-Grade Joinery Tools to Global
or woodworking enthusiasts and seasoned long-term collaboration with clients worldwide. With
Fprofessionals seeking a robust, efficient, and its innovative approach and unwavering dedication,
economical solution for joinery, WoodFox offers a WoodFox continues to shape the future of woodworking.
comprehensive range of high-quality and innovative
joinery jigs and accessories. Renowned for setting new
standards in pocket hole joinery, WoodFox’s jigs are
crafted to the highest specifications, ensuring seamless
operation, rapid setup, repeatability, and unparalleled
accuracy—saving both time and effort.
As a leading professional manufacturer based in
Taiwan, WoodFox has been steadily expanding its global
footprint, offering a diverse portfolio of woodworking
tools. The company’s growth is driven by a strong focus
on innovation, thoughtful design, and a commitment to
advancing woodworking tools and techniques. WOODFOX TOOLS CO., LTD.
No. 207-3, Dayuan 19th Street, Taiping Dist., Taichung City
Passionate about its craft, WoodFox is dedicated to 411, Taiwan
delivering superior products and exceptional service to Tel: 886-4-2393-6071
its customers. The company strives to build enduring Fax: 886-4-2277-4467
partnerships rooted in mutual benefit, aiming to foster Website:
Yee Jee’s Eco-Friendly Pineapple Fiber Tire Repair Sealant Wins
Taiwan Excellence Award
estled in Nantou, Taiwan, Yee Jee Technology environmentally friendly formula adheres to the highest
NCo., Ltd. (internationally recognized as PAX) has international standards for safety and durability, while its
established itself as a leading manufacturer and exporter production process complies fully with ISO 14067 product
of rubber tire patch products for bicycles, motorcycles, carbon footprint standards, ensuring minimal carbon
automobiles, trucks, and lorries, as well as a range of DIY emissions.
tools and repair products.
Yee Jee’s brand vision, “Focus, You Care,” reflects
Among its innovative offerings, GA Tire Sealant stands its dedication to sharing success and giving back to
out, earning both the National Invention & Invention society. By creating tire repair products that reduce waste
Patent and the Taiwan Excellence Award 2025. This and promote energy efficiency, the company is actively
groundbreaking product leverages Nantou’s abundant advancing its ESG-driven mission to support a sustainable
pineapple resources, utilizing up to 40 tons of pineapple future. Through innovation and responsibility, Yee Jee
waste annually. By extracting plant fibers from discarded Technology continues to pave the way for a greener
pineapple leaves, the sealant reduces waste incineration planet.
and air pollution while aligning with ESG principles. Its
non-toxic, environmentally friendly formulation underscores
the company’s commitment to sustainable practices and
the recycling of renewable energy sources.
The GA Tire Sealant’s key ingredient—pineapple
fiber—forms a robust network that provides enhanced
protection and support for tires. Once injected, the
sealant distributes evenly as the tire rotates, quickly
filling punctures or damage. This fast-acting solution Yee Jee Technology Co., Ltd.
restores tires to service efficiently, extends their lifespan, No. 319, Sec. 1, Mingshan Rd., Mingjian Township, Nantou
and reduces the environmental impact of rubber waste, County 55146, Taiwan
contributing to a cleaner planet. Tel: 886-4-9273-8898
Fax: 886-4-9273-3525
Designed for universal application, the Pineapple
Fiber Tire Repair Sealant is compatible with a wide range E-mail:
of tires, including cars and motorcycles to bicycles. Its Website:
Taiwan Hand Tools 2025 Issue