Page 34 - Taiwan Hand Tools 2025-02 Edition
P. 34
Industry News
Dr. Hsu Hsiao-Hung delivered a speech on the quench-hardening behavior of aluminum- and silicon-deoxidized SAE 1035 steel at a seminar organized by
THTMA. (Photo provided by Hsu Hsiao-Hung)
forged products closely resemble their final shape and size, Crafting Industry’s Next Chapter
significantly minimizing the need for mechanical finishing Highlighting the practical application of Taiwan’s
processes. innovative forging technologies, Zhang noted that numerous
domestic manufacturers are actively adopting these
The technology leverages servo motor-controlled advancements. For instance, “Proxene Tools”, leveraging
sliders and adjustable forming speeds, allowing for precise material provisions from CSC and CAE simulation and
adaptation to the unique characteristics of various products. analysis, has significantly enhanced its production efficiency
This flexibility is ideal for manufacturing hand tools with and material utilization. Similarly, “Summer Forging” has
complex designs and high precision requirements. It reduces embraced material-saving techniques with technical support
processing time and tooling costs, making it particularly from the MIRDC, implementing a new production model in
effective for intricate tools like combination wrenches, its forging plant. Meanwhile, “Johnson Tools” has integrated
adjustable spanners, pliers, hammers, and sockets. advanced technologies to establish a modern forging
production system, utilizing CSC’s material database to
Near Net Shape Forging Technology has secured three optimize the development and analysis of its socket products
patents in Taiwan and is widely applied in the production and improve asset allocation.
of high-strength, functional hand tools. Its technology
transfer to external manufacturers addresses critical gaps in Looking ahead, Zhang analyzed the implications of
domestic industry capabilities, enhancing product value and Taiwan’s declining birthrate and aging workforce, which
independence. necessitate the development of automation in the forging
sector. Research is underway on robotic arms to replace
Moreover, the technology supports low-carbon, manual labor, including defect inspections traditionally
innovative green manufacturing. By improving material performed by hand. Image-based detection and process
utilization and reducing waste by 45%, it cuts process monitoring systems are also under development,
energy losses by 20%, contributing to sustainable and representing a step toward smart manufacturing. On
efficient production. the environmental front, while carbon reduction has
yet to significantly impact the hand tool industry, many
Taiwan Hand Tools 2025 Issue