Page 35 - TTG-Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide 2024-04 Edition
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Exhibition Highlights
For the current year, the show’s exhibit profile unique market conditions. Notably, the Automotive
will encompass a wide range of items, including Manufacturing, Transformation & Automation Zone
aftermarket parts, diagnostics & alignment systems, will delve into key manufacturing trends, including
collision repair & refinish garage equipment & tools, AIoT, 3D printing, and innovative materials.
rebuild & recycle equipment, accessories for both
exterior and interior, tires, wheels & brakes, lights Also, in line with the region's growing rate of car
& electronic components, paints & chemicals, car ownership, the Auto Repair, Maintenance & Care
wash & car detailing products, insurance & security / Accessories & Customizing Zone will provide
solutions, business systems, autonomous vehicles a platform to explore a range of electrical and
& EV technologies, commercial/large-size vehicles, mechanical repair and maintenance technologies.
and various other related products and services. This includes specialized equipment and tools
for new energy vehicles, as well as car detailing
Automechanika-Ho Chi Minh City and customization. Meanwhile, the Automotive
Mobility Solutions Zone will showcase the latest
Amid rapid economic growth and strategic technologies and solutions in smart mobility,
reinforcement of automotive supporting industries, electric vehicles, logistics, automotive OE, and the
Vietnam is emerging as a compelling destination aftermarket.
for firms eyeing international expansion.
Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City serves as a Amidst the myriad of impressive exhibitions
beacon, shedding light on this transformation globally, let's not overlook Economic Daily News/
and showcasing the country's potential as both a CENS. We are devoted to cultivating business
lucrative market and a production hub. According opportunities for both buyers and suppliers,
to organizers, last year's exhibition at the 15,740 steadfast in our commitment to providing the
sqm Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center drew latest information about the auto parts industry.
13,148 visitors from 37 countries and regions, along Importantly, for all the previously mentioned
with 461 exhibitors from 20 countries and regions. exhibitions, Economic Daily News/CENS will
provide real-time business matchmaking services,
As the show gears up for its sixth edition, facilitating direct interactions between professional
Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2024 will feature buyers and suitable Taiwanese manufacturers on-
specialized zones tailored to reflect the country's site.
During AMPA 2023, an international buyer captured a joyful moment with members of CENS’ professional publication
team. (Photo courtesy of Andrew Hsu)