Page 24 - Taiwan Machinery 2024-09 Edition
P. 24


              INDUSTRY TREND

              Taiwan’s Machinery Industry Envisions
              Taiwan’s Machinery Industry Envisions

              a Smart Future
              a Smart Future

              By Andrew Hsu
              A Shift in Focus
                                                                     Simultaneously, society is undergoing profound
                 he machinery industry, a cornerstone of national   structural changes. Aging populations, declining birth rates,
              Tindustrial progress, has long supplied the essential   and shifting work ethics among younger generations are
              products that fuel modern life. Yet, over the past few   leading to a shrinking labor force. Compounding these
              decades, this once-stalwart sector has encountered   challenges is the growing threat of extreme weather, which
              challenges unlike any before. The “White Paper on Taiwan   has prompted over 150 countries to prioritize net-zero
              Machinery Industry Development” released by the Taiwan   emissions in their national policies. These combined forces
              Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI) in 2024 reveals   are driving significant technological advancements in the
              that pivotal trends in politics, economics, society, and the   machinery industry, necessitating rapid adaptation and
              environment are now reshaping the future of this vital   innovation to meet the demands of a changing world.
                                                                     In response to the evolving macro-environment,
                                                                  technological transformation within the machinery industry
                 In recent years, amid escalating international and
              regional confl icts, many nations have turned to economic   has become not just a trend, but a necessity. Central to
                                                                  this transformation is “digitalization,” where businesses
              and trade measures as their primary tools of counteraction.   leverage digital technologies to drive innovation in products
              In response to these unpredictable risks—ranging from   and services, ultimately creating more competitive business
              natural disasters and pandemics to fl uctuations in supply   models. For the manufacturing sector, the most signifi cant
              and demand—governments worldwide are implementing   advantage of digital transformation lies in its ability to
              diverse policies aimed at bolstering the resilience and   facilitate smart manufacturing. This approach not only
              autonomy of their industries to safeguard economic   strengthens operational resilience but also advances low-
              development and national security.

                                                                                          Taiwan Machinery 2024 September
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