Page 33 - Taiwan Hand Tools 2024-01 Edition
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                                                                                  Exhibition Highlights

           Taiwan Hand Tools Shine Globally: aiwan Hand Tools Shine Globally:

           CENS F
           CENS Facilitates Trade Networksacilitates Trade Networks

           By Andrew Hsu
             n 2022, the global hand tools market surpassed US$125.5   mandatory quarantine of the COVID-19 pandemic, remains
           Ibillion, with over 50% of the market share concentrated   a noteworthy contributor to the sustained market growth.
           in Europe and the United States. Additionally, the Market
           Research Firm IMARC Group predicts that by 2028, it will   To meet the growing demand and capitalize on business
           reach $32.1 billion, exhibiting a compound annual growth   opportunities for both top-notch suppliers and buyers,
           rate (CAGR) of 4.2% between 2023 and 2028. Turning to   Economic Daily News/CENS is proactively engaging in a
           Taiwan, the hand tool industry recorded an output value of   range of hardware and hand tools exhibitions in 2023. The
           NT$24 billion in the second quarter of 2023, marking a 4.7%   initiative involves disseminating the exclusive show express
           increase from the preceding quarter. In terms of exports,   and professional trade magazine, coupled with providing
           Taiwan’s hand tools achieved an export value of NT$18.2   complimentary matchmaking services. This concerted effort
           billion during this quarter, reflecting a 6.8% increase from the   aims to expedite the alignment of business opportunities
           previous quarter, securing its position as the world’s third-  between discerning buyers and high-quality suppliers.
           largest hand tool exporter.
                                                              Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2023:
              The ongoing expansion of the global hand tools   National Hardware Show (NHS 2023)
           market is primarily anchored in the escalating demand for
           construction and repair & maintenance services spurred by   As the largest and most established hardware exhibition
           the rapid urbanization of emerging nations. Concurrently,   in North America, the National Hardware Show (NHS)
           specific developmental policies, including the emphasis   remains a pivotal event for numerous high-profile hardware
           on infrastructure projects like roads, airports, and energy   and hand tools manufacturers. Concluding on February 2,
           utilities, further fuel this growth trajectory. This surge in   2023, this year’s show achieved noteworthy outcomes, with
           demand is not limited to construction alone; there’s a   48% of visitors placing orders across various categories.
           heightened need for portable and lightweight equipment,   Also, the event boasted the participation of over 1,000
           particularly in the automotive maintenance sector, amplifying   exhibitors, of which an impressive 60% were new additions
           the utility of various hand tools in the industry. Moreover,   to the exhibition.
           the DIY trend, which gained momentum during the

           Taiwan Hand Tools 2024 Issue
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