Page 40 - TTG-Taiwan Transportation Equipment Guide 2023-04 Edition
P. 40

       Supplier News

           online, introducing semi-automated production at the
           new factory.

           Global Impacts
              As  a  year  optimistically  touted  as  a  recovery
           year after two years of setbacks from the COVID-19
           pandemic, the material shortages, price hikes, and the
           Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted industries
           to scale back their expectations for a strong economic
           rebound. For LC Fuel Tank, their shipments in the AM
           market saw some impact due to the pandemic, Chan
           said, but he pointed out that their market sales in
           fuel supply systems for vintage cars had significantly
           increased instead, which he attributed to WFH trends
           during the pandemic.

              Consumers are more likely and more willing
           to spend time working on their vehicles and thus
           injecting high demand for vintage car parts. Chan said
           that primary market demands are coming from the
           European and North American regions. He believes
           the situation as seen from the pandemic shows that
           their initial investment into the vintage car market
           was correct. While environmental issues are highly
           prioritized by governments, consumers, and markets      LC Fuel Tank exports a 95% majority of its products
           alike, Chan believes that maintaining diff erent market   to overseas markets and has made a name for itself
           demands and extending the product life span for these   in terms of branding in the international market. Apart
           vintage vehicles are also crucial.                   from fuel tanks and fuel supply system parts, LC Fuel
              The company can fully supply the most diverse     Tank offers a one-stop fuel solution for customers.
           product line, with products adhering to international   For instance, costs for repairing and maintenance of
           certifications and environmental regulations as the   fuel tank systems can end up quite high due to parts
           most standard requirements.                          coming from different assembly lines, which can also
                                                                cause issues with warranty claims. LC Fuel Tank
           A More Sustainable Outlook                           believes that clients will benefi t from rigorously-certifi ed
                                                                product quality and products manufactured using
              In terms of product features, LC Fuel Tank's      specialized equipment through offering a one-stop
           surface  treatment  for  its  fuel  tanks  is  based  on   solution.
           procuring powdered-coating automated equipment
           many years ago. The coating's weather resistance        The automotive industry is an over-century-old
           property and thickness are reputably three times     sector. Amid the recent trends and challenges, LC
           better than the typical coating. Another feature of the   Fuel Tank will continue to innovate to keep up with the
           coating technology is less environmentally harmful   changing times.
           and pollutive. While the equipment costs are still
           higher than the standard machinery, LC Fuel Tank
           believes the initial prices are worth the long-time value
           the equipment offers. Furthermore, they are worth
           upholding their commitment to greener choices and
           prioritizing employee health. These efforts are highly
           recognized and lauded by international buyers.

           No. 68-160, Shekou, Xiluo Township, Yunlin County 648005 , Taiwan
           Tel: 886-4-822-3253
           Fax: 886-4-823-2342
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