Page 41 - Taiwan Machinery 2023-08 Edition
P. 41
in mainland China (with an area of 68,000 pioneering achievement in the industry. In
square meters and about 100 employees). addition, CLF is also an important supplier
The company has advanced equipment, of machinery and equipment for leading
50 years of rich manufacturing experience, Taiwanese auto parts makers, such as Tong
sophisticated production equipment, strict Yang Group.
production procedures, and high-quality staff .
Wu Zhi-zhe further stated that CLF proudly
The company has internal engineering launched the TWII series of external toggle
capabilities in large critical mechanical type plastic injection molding machines
parts. It invests heavily in large processing in 2015, which won multiple awards at
equipment (including five Toshiba floating various trade shows. TWII series external
boring centers, and three fi ve-axis machining toggle type fi x molds with the smallest mold
centers) to accurately control processing deformation, accurate flatness, and super
quality, and ensure on-time delivery. It is long mold movement distance. Its increased
the leading manufacturer of plastic injection cross-sectional area of the connecting rod
molding in Asia. In addition, customized greatly improved the mechanical strength.
services can fully satisfy customers’ various The highly rigid machine structure minimizes
needs in production. For example, CLF has deformation while maintaining product
defeated many competitors in industrially accuracy. It’s suitable for products requiring
advanced countries, and successfully surface accuracy and is suitable for products
developed the model with three injection with deeper depth.
molding and three plates mold. This is a
Chuan Lih Fa Machinery Works Co., Ltd.
No. 17, Lane 360, Chungcheng S. Rd., Yungkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan
Tel: 886-6-253-2111
Fax: 886-6-253-3311